Best weight loss surgery
If you have tried but failed to lose weight by different food diets and exercise activities and you have faced with serious medical problems, you are a qualified candidate for weight loss surgery. There are different types of bariatric surgery that your doctor can guide you on what type of weight loss surgery is right for you. The best weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery depending on different factors such as your body type and health, your body mass index (BMI), your desired weight loss and how quickly you want to achieve this. For example, if you are extremely obese or if you have had abdominal surgery, the simpler weight loss surgery may don’t work for you or in some cases if your BMI is 30 or 34 and you have serious weight-related health problems, you may qualify for a certain type of weight loss surgery.
There are some common types of weight loss surgery such as gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass surgery, and gastric banding surgery. We briefly explain each one in this article.
Gastric sleeve surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery is the most common type of weight loss surgery. There are some criteria that should be considered before a patient to be approved for gastric sleeve surgery because all overweight people do not qualify for the gastric sleeve surgery. This surgery is recommended for extremely obese adults, people between age 18-65 with BMI values of 40 or higher who suffer of serious weight-related problems like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, fertility problems or sleep apnea, people who wants to lose weight by limiting the amount of their food and don’t want interfere with food absorption or don’t like have a foreign body inside their body. You should keep it in your mind that losing weight with gastric sleeve surgery is a slow procedure and need your cooperation for an eating plan and regular exercise.
Gastric bypass surgery
For having gastric bypass surgery your BMI should be 40 or higher, your BMI is 35 or more and you have serious weight-related problems. Your age must be between 16-70. After six months of bypass surgery, you will lose about 30% to 40% of your excess body weight. You should pay attention, after bypass surgery your stomach will be smaller and you will feel full sooner, the eaten food will no longer go into some parts of stomach and intestine that absorb food so you will not get all required calories from the food.
Gastric banding surgery
This type of surgery is recommended in case of severing obesity, when BMI is higher than 40 or when BMI is higher than 30 and patient suffer from comorbidity obesity such as high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes. It is a good option for people who look for a quick, adjustable, reversible and less invasive procedure. This surgery involves placing an inflatable band around the top of the stomach then the patient feels fuller with less amount of food. After banding surgery, you must follow a strict liquids-only diet for a few days and after that, you have to follow only soft foods up to 6 weeks. By this type of surgery, there is no loss of nutrient absorption. You can lose weight between 40 to 60 percent of your excess weight but the procedure is slow.
Although there are some other types of weight loss surgery such as biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, the above-mentioned methods are the most common types which are more popular among people. All methods have some advantages and disadvantages but further investigations are needed to identify the best method for each person.
So, which loss weight surgery is right for me?
First of all, you should keep it in your mind that weight loss surgery is not a miracle and also it is not for everyone. Having a bariatric surgery doesn’t guarantee that you lose all your excess weight or you keep it forever, you need to change your lifestyle and have a food plan and regular exercise after the weight loss surgery.
Generally, your doctor should diagnose which type of weight loss surgery is right for you by evaluating your nutrition, your medical condition, your psychological status, your motivation, your BMI and weight loss goals, your history of weight loss, your risk tolerance, your history of abdominal surgeries and your age. However, bariatric surgery is not recommended for people with current drug or alcohol abuse, uncontrolled psychiatric illness, inability to change lifestyle and making a food plan as well as people who don’t care to the risks of obesity or benefits and outcomes of weight loss surgery.
Since the cost of weight loss surgery is high in most countries and usually insurance companies don’t cover the bariatric surgery costs, so it is better you have this surgery in another country with less expense than your country. Iran is one of these countries that you can have a cost-effective surgery by expert’s surgeons. You can apply for the different type of weight loss surgery such as gastric sleeve surgery by Tehran surgery group.