Life after bariatric surgery
If you are considering weight loss surgery you should know that it is not just surgery, it doesn’t work singly. You need to change your lifestyle, the way you eat and much more after bariatric surgery. No food diet or surgery can be successful separately. Bariatric surgery with proper aftercare and lifestyle changes can provide you desirable long-term results.
After the surgery, you should change your food diet, change what to eat and when to eat. For the first few days you have to follow a liquid diet and after that continue with soft or pureed foods. You also need to use much fluid to avoid constipation, dehydration and kidney stones. After weight loss surgery patients should take some daily supplements including vitamin D, iron, calcium, vitamin B12, and a multivitamin.
There are also some guidelines as follow:
- You should eat slowly and chew your food properly.
- Eat small balanced meals at a particular time (three times) and limit snacking between meals
- Avoid foods that may block your stomach like soft white bread
- Avoid eating and drinking at the same time
- Try to eat healthy, low fat and solid dry textured foods that cause you to feel full quicker.
After the weight loss surgery, your doctor prescribes you several medications that some of them should be taken for a few months after the surgery and others may be used for life. Many patients may have a severe related disease associated with obesity such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. But after the bariatric surgery, these problems will be improved and they may don’t need to take many medications for these problems or even stop the medications.
It is essential to have exercise after bariatric surgery to achieve desirable results and long term success. It is recommended to start walking as soon as possible and try just several short steps for the first days and then increase the distance day by day. Your doctor may also give you an exercise plan and once you have recovered it is supposed to have regular activities and exercises such as cycling, swimming and light jogging.
Emotional adjustment
Usually, after the bariatric surgery, your body will change as well as your lifestyle. Patients self-esteem will increase as they manage their weight and their relationship will improve. They will experience remarkable changes in their emotional state such as depression, insomnia, and anxiety. On the other hand, some patients may be depressed because they can’t eat certain foods and as much as they desire.
Smoking and drinking alcohol
Usually, it is recommended to stop smoking or chewing tobacco prior the weight loss surgery, for reducing risks and complications with bariatric surgery. Also, it is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol after weight loss surgery. Since alcohol contains calories and minimal nutrition so it is against the weight loss goals.
It is recommended for women who undertake a weight loss surgery to avoid getting pregnant in the first two years after the surgery. They should wait to have maximum weight loss and reach a stable weight. More addition because of rapid weight loss they can intake less nutrient so their body is not preparing for pregnancy.
Sleep and stress
A healthy sleep pattern and successful stress management are important factors in effective weight management. It is very important to have regular sleep time as well as having enough time to sleep. Unmanaged stress can also lead to poor success after the surgery. You can try some regular exercise such as meditation or yoga to release your stress.
Follow-up care
You need to long-time follow-up appointment after the surgery because nutritional deficiencies can even arise over time. These appointments are including blood tests to ensure your nutritional balance, a check-up of your physical health, emotional or psychological support and support about diet and exercise. It is recommended to do a series of tests every three months for the first year after the surgery. And for the rest of your life, you should do an annual test.