Facts about bariatric surgery
Bariatric surgery is the best solution for obese people with body mass index (BMI) 30 or above who need more than diet and exercise. People with BMI 30 to 35 are categorized in class 1 obesity, BMI of 35 to 40 are class 2 obesity and class 3 obesity is BMI 40 or more. Class 2 and 3 obesity, which also called severe obesity, are difficult to manage by diet and exercise alone. In this condition weight loss surgery is the right and effective solution.
There are different surgical procedures for bariatric surgery. Some weight loss procedures are restrictive such as gastric banding and gastric sleeve surgery that limit the amount of food that you intake at each time. The others are malabsorptive that reduce the absorption of calories, nutrients in food and proteins.
Surprising facts about bariatric surgery
There are some interesting facts about weight loss surgery that you should to know before deciding for this surgery.
Obesity is not just a weight problem
Obesity is a metabolism disease. When the body metabolism is slow, the body may gain severely overweight. In this condition if you even eat a modest number of calories you will gain much weight.
Bariatric surgery is an emotional experience
It is beyond a physical experience. You need to see a psychologist as well as nutrition specialist before the surgery.
Surgery neutralize the slow metabolism
After weight loss surgery, you can feel full just with a small meal.
You won’t get a big scar
Most common weight loss surgeries involve just three to five incisions about ½ to 1 inch long.
The possibility of insurance coverage
Insurance companies cover the bariatric surgery if your obesity is associated with health problems.
The risk is same as other surgeries
Certainly the risks of bariatric surgery are much less that the risks and complications of obesity itself.
Bariatric surgery can help to treat type 2 diabetes
If you are obese and also suffer of type 2 diabetes, no need to take insulin shots any more. You can improve both problems with bariatric surgery.
1-2 months post up the surgery you can enjoy eating again
As the swelling is subsided and your scars are healed, you can start eating slowly with small meals.
Bariatric surgery success rates are 85% five years after the surgery
Weight loss surgery helped millions people lose much weight and keep their weight loss although there are also some less people who didn’t succeed in maintaining weight off.
Weight loss surgery is a journey not a destination
Bariatric procedure is an ongoing method. It may last about six to 12 months to lose your extra weight following the surgery.
It provides you much benefits beyond weight loss
Bariatric surgery can treat obesity related disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes, joint pain and sleep apnea.
You can’t drink much liquids during meals
Following weight loss surgery, you prefer minimize liquids to provide you enough room for solid foods as well as minimizing discomforts.
Recovery from bariatric surgery is fast
Surprisingly you can back to your work four weeks following the weight loss surgery.
The most obese country in the world
Although most people suppose US is the most obese country in the world, but the first obese place is Nauru (an island in south pacific). In this island 94.5 % are overweight. The rate of obesity in US is 30%. United Kingdom and Mexico are in the range of obese country while japan and south Korea are the least obese countries.
25 weight loss surgeries per hour
In 2008, about 350,000 weight loss surgeries were undertaken in all of the world and 90% of surgeries were done laparoscopically. It means the minimal invasive treatment.
The biggest weight loss after surgery
Paul mason was one of the heaviest men in the world who has lost weight about 286 LBS after the gastric bypass surgery. His weight was about 992 LBS before the bariatric surgery, and had breathing difficulties during sleep. He need someone to look after him 24 hours. According to him, the only way to survive was bariatric surgery.
The youngest patient
The youngest patient who undertaken bariatric surgery was 12-year-old girl. Although it may seem unusual but sometimes it is the only way to cure obesity that causes health related problem.
Celebrities who had bariatric surgery
Sharon Osbourne, Randy Jackson and some other famous people have performed weight lose surgery in order to improve their appearance.